There's no value in collecting blocks unless you're connecting them to build something awesome!
I read a lot of stuff each week. Here are five (5) things I've found especially useful:
- 10 Ways to Build a Go-For-It Culture. Here's a short list from Dan Rockwell on encouraging & empowering decision-makers in your team. This piece rang true with me because I've actually been working on most of these exact traits in the teams I supervise. Undoing the environment of "command-and-control" authority is challenging and takes intentional action & word!
- The Traditional Lecture is Dead. I Would Know - I'm a Professor. Rhett Allain is a physics professor. He brings up at least a half-dozen educational formats through storytelling and imagery. Most of the methods he describes have "names" associated with them...but he does a great job explaining them without the fancy schmancy terms! This is how smart people should be talking and writing about the awesome stuff they're doing and learning!!!
- Principles of Public Speaking (Parts I-VI). Dr Nick Morgan is a "communications theorist" and more. I first learned of Dr Morgan through crisis communications expert Melissa Agnes. Since then. I've been following him and his ideas. If you deliver speeches, keynotes, or lectures (which recommendation #2 above states are dead! haha), you need to read all the parts of Dr Morgan's piece on public speaking! He's got a bunch of gold nuggets in there.
- Why evidence-based practice probably isn't worth it... I've really been attracted to Dr David Wilkinson and his work at the Oxford Review. In this piece, he makes an argument on the differences between practitioners and researchers/academics; storytelling; anecdotes; experience; expert opinion; resistance to evidence. And he uses laugh-out-loud humor make his point. I think he hits true on why practitioners won't listen to academics here!
- 10 Ways Experiential Learning Creates Long-Term Performance. Organizational development expert Sue Wigston (of Eagle's Flight) outlines ten (10) benefits of experiential learning. As a police trainer, I've been using experiential learning for a half-dozen years - in opposition to do-it-the-way-that-I-do-it method under which I was trained. At its core, it's about ensuring a safe environment for your people's pride to not be hurt or attacked. This is a challenge for many police trainers that I've met over my two (2) decades in the industry!!
There were so many great things I read this week. I think I'll share some of them next Friday!
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