LEOpSys: a realization
Maybe it's because of a powerful tradition. Or a strong sub-culture. Or even a political bureaucracy. But for some reason, policework is missing a systems or process mindset. Because of the tremendous variety of problems that police officers are asked to solve, police policy makers and trainers have been unable to implement a universal problem-solving or decision-making program. We believe The Illinois Model is an answer...with a LEOpSys (lee-OP-sis) or "law enforcement operations system." A "system" has interconnected parts. Each relates to another part or parts. Some parts are more critical than others. Some parts are linked together in a way that make them entirely dependent upon the work of others. There are checks and balances. Some links in the chain can break and the system continues at sub-optimal levels; other failures in the system cause a complete catastrophe. And in the end....there is an outcome. In order for a police "system" to ac...